El Gouna, Egypt. easy(Jet) Visitation Growth

Key Metrics.
Room Nights YoY
Visitor Number Increase
Campaign Views
Increasing awareness amongst target audiences to drive visitor numbers.
Background: Rooster develops fully integrated marketing campaigns with key travel trade partners to increase awareness amongst our clients’ target audiences to drive increased visitor numbers.
Objectives: To engage and educate UK consumers and the travel trade on El Gouna in Egypt and why it’s a ‘must visit’ destination with year-round sun, outstanding hotels, impressive dining options, and world class activities.
How: By partnering with a well known and trusted booking platform, positioning El Gouna as a trending destination thereby ensuring it’s added to consideration lists for a holiday.
Where: easyJet Holidays; one of the UK’s leading package holiday providers that offer an extensive flight network, competitive pricing, strong brand awareness as well as both a large consumer and trade database.
Campaign: A six-month integrated campaign comprising the creation of a destination guide, PPC activity, social media, in-store digital screens, trade portal features, a full audience newsletter placement, as well as website homepage and deals page banners.
Results: easyJet Holidays grew visitation numbers to El Gouna by 511% over the campaign period and doubled bookings since 2020.