EcoAir expert shares guide to avoiding seasonal illnesses after 2025 flu season named ‘one of the worst’ on record.
Whilst the start of the year is inevitably dark, cold and a bit dreary, it doesn’t mean that coughs, sniffles and seasonal bugs have to be the norm as well.
Noel Fok, CEO and co-founder of EcoAir, leading manufacturer of air treatment products, says: “There are numerous measures we can take to keep ourselves fit and healthy and to strengthen our bodies to fight illness during flu season. It is also crucial to remember to prepare our surroundings and homes to ward off these seasonal bugs too.
“Whilst it may seem like a small inconvenience, the time and energy dedicated to dealing with seasonal illnesses can have a big impact. Young children for example, are especially susceptible to the flu, with 5–14-year-olds suffering with twice as many instances of flu than any other age group – resulting in time off school and increased childcare considerations for parents. For any age group, being ill in the new year is the antithesis of a new year’s resolution! Luckily, some simple planning is all it can take to send the bugs packing.”
Read on for Noel’s guide to reducing exposure to bugs and illnesses this flu season…
Get moving
It may be dark and cold out but going for a bracing walk in the fresh winter air is just the thing to keep your body healthy and fight off illness.
Kick-start the day with a ten-minute walk around the block, and if you’re lucky, you could even catch some winter sun too; ideal for getting in the vital vitamin D needed to keep your immune system strong.
When heading out, make sure to wrap up in lots of cosy layers and remember not to go outside with wet hair or in damp clothes. If it’s looking treacherous out you can always get some movement in at home with a light stretch, yoga or even a weightlifting session – just be sure to move regularly to keep your body fighting fit.
What’s in my bag
When heading out it’s important to be prepared for the germs you may meet along the way…
Start with a hand sanitiser for when you can’t get to a bathroom to wash your hands. This is especially good if you are going on public transport, where microbes and bugs are in abundance. Follow up with a face mask if you want to be extra careful during your ride on the bus or train.
Tissues are another great item to have on hand, perfect to ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ on the go. And don’t forget a cosy scarf and hand warmers so you can be warm no matter where you end up.
Food firepower
Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is so important in the winter as it is the fuel your body needs to fight off any incoming viruses.
Winter stews loaded with veggies like carrots, butternut squash and courgette are perfect for so many reasons; they are packed with the vitamins needed to keep your immune system working, like vitamin C and A, and the warmth will energise you in the cold.
Another way to add a dose of tasty nutrients into your day is with a super smoothie. A blend of super-foods such as raspberries and blueberries (good for potassium and vitamins A,B,C and E) alongside banana, spinach and ginger (full of iron and zinc), is the perfect immune boosting fuel to enjoy every morning.
Close contact
Many of the germs we come into contact with throughout the day are from high-touch surfaces such as lift buttons, door handles and light switches. Being aware of these areas will greatly increase your likelihood of avoiding common bugs as you can sidestep them at the root of the issue.
Surfaces in public spaces such as a lift button are tricky to avoid, so make sure you carry some hand sanitiser with you and avoid touching your face until you can wash your hands with soap and water. Alternatively, if you’re in one location for an extended period of time wipe down surfaces with an antibacterial wipe – handy when on trains or airplanes or even when hotdesking at work.
At home think about cleaning the less obvious areas, so not just kitchen sides and bathroom sinks but banisters, window frames and handles on doors and cupboards. A spritz of antibacterial spray and a wipe down is a quick fix but prioritise a weekly steam clean of those high-touch surfaces to really crack down on germs in the home.
Home set up
When it’s cold out we spend more time indoors relaxing with family and friends in the comfort and warmth of our homes. To protect ourselves against the colds and illnesses that are rampant at this time of year it is essential therefore to make sure your home is fighting fit.
Start with the basics, and make sure any cracks or gaps that let in draughts are sealed. It is recommended that indoor temperature should be at least 18°C to avoid weakening the immune system , as cold air reduces the effectiveness of the body’s natural defenses such as mucus and cilia (the tiny hairs in your nose that trap microbes).
However, a stuffy home with no air circulation will also create a hotbed for viruses and bacteria, so once a day, ideally when the house is less inhabited, ventilate your living spaces by opening some windows for 5-10 minutes to allow fresh air in and stuffy air out.
Other ways of boosting air quality without compromising on temperature is to dot air purifying houseplants, such as spider plants and aloe vera, around the home – brightening up your interiors at the same time!
It’s also worth considering investing in an air purifier, or better still, an air steriliser – the fastest and most effective way of removing harmful infection-causing viruses and bacteria from the air, keeping you and your family safe from seasonal colds, flu and Covid whilst in the home this winter.
For more information, please visit: www.ecoair.org
Notes to editors:
- Please contact the EcoAir PR team at Rooster should you wish to test/review and EcoAir products
- Rooster can coordinate comment, interview and profile opportunities for EcoAir CEO & co-founder, Noel Fok
For further press information, please contact:
Anna Nyman | Elsa Findlay | Julie Aguilera
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About EcoAir:
Founded in 2006 by Noel (CEO) and Sally Fok (Managing Director), EcoAir manufactures and supplies a range of innovative and environmentally friendly air treatment products.
Designed for use in the home, workplace or commercial spaces, the EcoAir product range includes dehumidifiers (offering the largest range of desiccant dehumidifiers in the UK), portable air conditioners, fans, air purifiers, and this year sees the introduction of an all-new industry category with a world-first air steriliser: the EcoAir AVS.
EcoAir is a brand synonymous with cleaner, fresher air. Its mission is to improve indoor air quality to ensure that everyone feels comfortable in their home or work environment and that the climate of living or work spaces is optimised to foster good overall health & wellbeing.
EcoAir is continually innovating in both design and service, always striving to improve products, maximise the practical benefits they offer, and ensure a seamless and positive customer experience.
Consistently delivering both on quality and performance, EcoAir dehumidifiers are award-winning. Most recent accolades include Good Housekeeping Institute 2024, Which? Best Buy 2024 and Indy Best 2023.
EcoAir products are designed and engineered in Britain and rank amongst the highest for performance and reliability. They can be purchased direct via the EcoAir UK website or Amazon, online at Currys, and from over 100 leading independent retailers.
EcoAir operates primarily in the UK and Europe.
For more information, please visit: www.ecoair.org