Another year brings some exciting announcements in the social sphere, from AI in the home to live feeds on every channel; so what can we expect for the coming year?
Artificial Intelligence in every home
With Amazon’s Echo ending in 5.2 million sales last year and the new Google Pixel being the first phone with built-in Google Assist, our day-to-day lives are becoming more reliant on artificial intelligence (even if we don’t realise it). From finding a recipe when we’re cooking to setting our alarms, the fear that it is taking over is less so, and more that it is making our lives easier. This year brings the Google Home device to the UK as well as Lenovo’s new imitation of the Echo, so 2017 is an exciting year to see more and more AI devices throughout our homes.
Live Video to be used more by brands
If 2016 was the year of video content, then 2017 is the year that live video will explode. Already prevalent with Snapchat’s Spectacles, Facebook Live and Twitter’s live 360 degree videos; it is obvious that users are living more in the immediate now. And the options are endless; from live interviews in which users can ask questions directly, to streaming the elections around the world as it plays out on social media; brands will do well to embrace the immediacy of video in content and advertising. Think it’s too complicated for a brand to do? Check out our favourite cheeky live video content via The Lad Bible, asking the question ‘Which Ice Lolly Melts the Quickest?’
Virtual Reality
One thing that brands have really embraced is Virtual Reality. Airlines and travel destinations have harnessed the ‘escape’ side of the social technique, by showing stunning destinations and beautiful holidays all through the use of virtual reality. Even Wimbledon used it to promote the competition, giving you the chance to ‘walk’ around the grounds whilst giving facts of the tennis played there over the years. Proving it’s not just for games (we love the mind-bending work of Keiichi Matsuda on living an augmented reality life in the future), brands can harness the power of the imagination and not be restricted by their ideas by utilising the future of VR.
Edits for Twitter?
And of course, the ability to edit tweets may be nearer than we think, after Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey asked Twitter what improvements users wanted. With the resounding answer being both stronger controls to fight online harassment and the ability to edit tweets, fingers crossed they listen and make the much sought-after edits in 2017.
By Kara Godfrey