Award-winning PR & communications for ambitious travel, property, consumer and b2b/corporate brands. Award-winning PR & communications for ambitious travel, property, consumer and b2b/corporate brands. Award-winning PR & communications for ambitious travel, property, consumer and b2b/corporate brands. Award-winning PR & communications for ambitious travel, property, consumer and b2b/corporate brands. Award-winning PR & communications for ambitious travel, property, consumer and b2b/corporate brands. Award-winning PR & communications for ambitious travel, property, consumer and b2b/corporate brands. Award-winning PR & communications for ambitious travel, property, consumer and b2b/corporate brands.

Taking a Holistic Approach to PR

Taking a Holistic Approach to PR
8 June 2016 James Brooke

It’s fair to say that PR is still (and frustratingly!) often viewed as a standalone entity, a function bolted onto the marketing of a company and only called upon to provide ridiculous and outdated AVE (Advertising Value Equivalent) figures at board meetings.

For those in the know, the role of the PR is wide-ranging and at times all-encompassing. At any one time we are reputation guardians, advisors, negotiators, facilitators, engagers and a salesforce all rolled into one.

Whether PR, or more broadly ‘communications’, is provided by an external agency or in-house, it’s crucial that PR professionals confidently demonstrate all of the above skills to highlight the importance of effective communications, and in particular show how PR fits into the bigger picture.

Taking an integrated and planned approach to communications is the best way to demonstrate that business results and return have been achieved. The measurement of PR must be outcome-focused.
When thinking holistically, we are not just considering media, be it traditional or social, but rather the blending of both to show cause and effect, along with web analytics and even that classic PR tool, survey research.

This can be linked to sales, stock price and other data to ultimately enhance business growth.
Taking an integrated approach will not only ensure a greater understanding of the role of the PR, and enable those in the industry to articulate its function accurately, but also cement to others the importance of effective communications.

By Jo Kendall