We all love an underdog, so it was no surprise that Leicester City’s unexpected win of the Barclay’s Premier League sparked such a media interest.
No doubt feeling the love from a few Football fans, William Hill got involved in the celebrations by tweeting the Jamie Vardy celebratory party, and joining in with the much tweeted hashtag; #havingaparty.
Captain Morgan Rum got into the winning spirit by replacing the original bottle label with Wes Morgan, the Leicester City Captain, and appropriately dressed him in the blue and white home kit. A small twitter exchange between the two and the hashtag #OnlyOneCaptainMorgan, resulted (pun intended) in Wes getting his own personalised bottle too!
Even the UK Twitter team responded to the historic win after it triggered an 86% increase in normal UK Twitter activity – it seems everyone was definitely #havingaparty!
With other brands tenuously linking their products to the historic win, from Walkers Crisps to a local fish and chip shop joining in; it was a great time to be celebrating on social media, even for non-football fans.
By Lauren Senior