ODEON rebrands as LEODEON
With the 88th Academy Awards looming, the question on everyone’s lips is will Leonardo DiCaprio finally win an Oscar?
It’s been over 20 years since Leo stole every teenage girl’s heart with his role as Jack in Titanic. Since 1997, the years in-between have revealed an actor with enviable talent and admirable versatility, yet still without a gold plated statue to his name.
In a stroke of PR genius, ODEON cinemas have caught the attention of all film fanatic Brit’s by changing the name of the Leicester Square cinema to ‘LEODEON’ to show its support for Leo’s Oscar nomination for his performance in Revenant.
This PR stunt has created a social media hype, with hundreds of twitter users dropping the #LEODEON. A Facebook event page has also been created to encourage Londoners to gather round the Leicester square cinema on Sunday night should Leo be successful. The event currently has over 24,000 confirmed attendees!
Congratulations #LEODEON and see you there (hopefully)…
Samsung predicts the future
When Samsung launched the product SmartThings; a product which allows you to control your home electrics from your mobile, we were impressed. However, when Samsung launched a report alongside this which predicted how the future would look in 100 years, we became captivated.
Using industry experts, scientists and incredible Photoshop skills, Samsung produced a two and a half minute long video that left the virtual community stunned. The PR campaign successfully picked up momentum with coverage in broadcast, print and online publications and left us all wishing immortality was not just true in fairy tales.
By Sarah Sullivan