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Stags Stampede Hens in Cost of Last Night of Freedom

Stags Stampede Hens in Cost of Last Night of Freedom
19 January 2016 admin_rooster

Hens are twice as thrifty as stags.

Research conducted by the UK’s stag and hen thought leaders Last Night of Freedom has revealed that hens are twice as thrifty as stags when it comes to celebrating their send off from the single life. The men were twice as likely to spend over £100 on their parties in 2015, whereas women were significantly more budget conscious.

From data collected in July and August 2015, the results of the survey showed 46.7% of hens budgeted no more than £100 for spending money to celebrate the end of their single life, compared to just 23.5% of stags. The men were much more inclined to indulge in their send offs, with 23.7% blowing over £300 on spending money alone, and 2.2% stags spent over £1000. The women were also more likely to spend less time on their trips, with 47% of them lasting one night, compared to 33.7% stags. Of the men, 22.5% of stag groups partied on through three days, and 2.6% kept going for five nights.

The research reveals a spending hike for stags since 2008, when the average stag party was £91. The more budget conscious hens have stayed a lot closer to their average spend in 2008, which was £102. Matt Mavir, managing director of Last Night of Freedom puts the increase down to the rise to of the stag weekend away. “Over the past ten years we’ve seen huge increase in the scale of stag parties, as more choose to go abroad for several days to celebrate their last weekend of freedom; we’ve come a long way from spending the evening down the local pub.

“Dedicating several days abroad to say goodbye to the single life gives you the opportunity to let loose with your friends before the responsibility of married life comes into play. There’s no wonder we dedicate more time and money to the celebrations, which are an integral rite of passage to us in the UK.

“As one of the industry’s leading stag and hen companies, carrying out research like this is one of the ways we make sure to keep our finger on the pulse. Since being founded in 1999, we’ve organised over 20,000 stag and hen parties, and our knowledge and expertise is unparalleled. By carrying out research like this, we gain an insight into trends, keeping us one step ahead of the game and putting us in a position to give you the best Last Night of Freedom you could imagine!”

Last Night of Freedom also recently announced its most popular destinations for 2015, in which Prague maintained its top spot for the stags and Newcastle reigned for the hen dos. Other destinations that made the top ten included Dublin, Barcelona, Amsterdam and London.

Further information on this, and many other stag and hen ideas, is available at


Notes to Editors:
Research carried out by Last Night of Freedom in July/August 2015

For further press information, please contact:
Jon Gardner / James Brooke
Rooster PR
T: +44 (020) 3440 8937
M: +44 (0)7930 697773
E: [email protected]

About Last Night of Freedom:
Last Night of Freedom was set up in 1999 by Matt Mavir, and is now the UK’s stag and hen industry thought-leader, offering services in events, activities, nightlife, accommodation, costumes, and accessories. Its expertise and knowledge allows the company to give a higher level of service, offering specialist destination info, reviews and insider info.

Last Night of Freedom’s mission statement is to “enlighten, amuse, delight and empower its audience in the organisation of a world class Last Night of Freedom through modern technology, industry-leading knowledge and outstanding customer service.”

The company doesn’t just want to provide a package – it wants to inspire you, pass on all of its expert advice and entertain you along the way. Last Night of Freedom takes what it does very seriously, and promises a seriously good time when you have taken the decision to spend your hard-earned cash with the company.