While cruising is one of the most magical ways to spend the holidays, many still fear feeling seasick
To help you sail smoothly, Ambassador Cruise Line is quelling these worries by offering top tips for combatting sea sickness
Hopping between the cobbled streets of Lisbon, sandy beaches of Barcelona and medinas of Marrakech is the ultimate way to spend a holiday. However, with one in three people susceptible to sea sickness*, the fear of a motion malady might keep would-be-cruise-lovers from experiencing their ultimate holiday.
However, what many don’t know is that cruise ships are specially designed to reduce the motion of the ocean waves and there are several simple and easy ways that sea sickness can be prevented.
So, if a cruise holiday is something you think you’d love but feelings of queasiness are holding you back, Bob McGowan, Head of Operations at the UK’s leading affordable quality no-fly cruise line, Ambassador Cruise Line, has compiled his tips to calm those kinetosis concerns.
Pack a motion sickness pill
Whilst most first-time cruisers tend to find their ‘sea legs’ soon after setting sail, sea sickness sufferers can find the initial motion a bit unsettling. So, to help your body get used to the gentle rocking of the ship, you can pick up a sea sickness tablet from your local pharmacy before heading on holiday.
Having a few stowed away in your suitcase can provide peace of mind, even if you don’t end up using them. These sorts of tablets are available from every pharmacy and tend to be reasonably priced, making them easy to get your hands on.
And, if for any reason you can’t call at the chemist before travelling, most cruise ships have a supply of seasickness remedies onboard available on demand.
Grab some fresh air
One of the best ways to cure seasickness is to get yourself outside and breathe in the crisp sea air.
On the few occasions you might find the water to be choppy or rough, staying inside your cabin can heighten the feeling of excessive movement. So, if it is safe to do so, head out onto one of the expansive decks or pop out to your balcony. Being able to see the water and focus on the horizon can often you adjust to the movement of the boat. And it means you can take in the breathtaking views which make cruising such an incredible experience.
But thanks to the slow and steady pace that a cruise ship travels, these rocky moments should be few and far between!
Slip on some sea bands
As a tried and tested method for combatting all types of motion sickness, sea bands are another great way to help keep the queasy feelings at bay.
Sea bands work by applying pressure to acupuncture points on the wrist which in turn reduce the feeling of nausea and sickness when travelling. Or if bracelets aren’t your thing, the same results can be achieved by adding pressure to your pulse points with your thumbs for 2-3 minutes. It really is that simple!
Tuck into some ginger or an apple, or both!
Whilst this may sound like an old wives’ tale, eating an apple or nibbling on a bit of ginger (albeit this might not be the most delicious holiday aperitif) can help with motion sickness.
If you’re beginning to feel a little unsettled in the stomach, try some ginger tea with your breakfast or dive into the fruit bowl for an apple. With the vast array of options available at the breakfast buffet on a cruise, it shouldn’t be too difficult to get your hands on either of these.
For something a little sweeter, ginger tablets and candied ginger are great alternatives to seasickness tablets.
Avoid rich foods
It goes without saying when you’re feeling nauseous that the last thing you want is a rich meal. However, it is important that you still try to eat and drink water, even if you’re not feeling 100%.
Steer clear of foods that might trigger an upset stomach – so avoid spicy or greasy foods and instead opt for fresh and light dishes.
Luckily, on a cruise there are usually plenty of food options to suit every palate and you are guaranteed to find a dish that’s gentle on the stomach but still tantalising for the taste buds.
Ready to take the plunge, seasickness free? Visit www.ambassdorcruiseline.com.
Notes to editors:
- *Data sourced from wildswimmingcornwall.co.uk
- Ambassador Cruise Line sails from seven regional ports across the UK: Bristol Royal Portbury, Dundee, Newcastle Tyne, London Tilbury, Liverpool, Falmouth and Belfast.
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About Ambassador Cruise Line
Ambassador Cruise Line launched in 2021, offering the UK market authentic no-fly cruises, affordable quality and the warmest welcome at sea. Based in Purfleet, Essex, Ambassador provides adult-only experiences combined with a selection of multi-generational itineraries to multiple destinations including the Nordics, Greenland, Iceland, Canada, the Mediterranean, Caribbean and Africa. The cruise line’s first ship, Ambience, entered the fleet in May 2022, operating from her home port of London Tilbury. From the 2023/24 season, guests have sailed onboard Ambience as well as Ambassador’s second ship, Ambition, whose maiden voyage in May 2023 heralded the launch of sailings from eight regional UK ports: London Tilbury, Newcastle, Dundee, Edinburgh Leith, Liverpool, Belfast, Bristol, and Falmouth.
Ambassador’s extremely experienced management team is led by Chief Executive Officer, Christian Verhounig, and its principal shareholder is Njord Partners LLP, London. Ambassador is a member of ABTA, the UK’s leading travel trade association widely acknowledged as the mark of trust and reassurance associated with travel brands. Consumer funds are protected by means of a financial failure insurance policy managed by TMU Management Limited and underwritten by Accelerant Insurance Europe SA, who are regulated by the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA 3193). The scheme is fully compliant with the Package Travel and Linked Arrangements Regulations 2018.
For more information, visit www.ambassadorcruiseline.com