Award-winning integrated comms agency celebrates 25 years by honouring “Cookie dog” in rebrand.
[The Cookie Communications team with Cookie dog – middle left – held by Sarah Geppert, Senior Account Manager]
1st April 2024 – Leading integrated comms agency, Rooster, today celebrates 25 years by announcing its rebrand to Cookie Communications.
The move will see the business evolve from a multi-sector agency working across travel, property, consumer and b2b/corporate, switch focus to pet brands, with a particular emphasis on canine travel, nutrition, sleep and play.
James Brooke, MD at Cookie Communications says: “Rooster no more, it’s officially the year of the dog – the Cookie dog that is.
“The term ‘people first’ is bandied about, but how often do we stop to consider the contribution of our office dogs?
“In a nation of dog lovers, where approximately 31% of British households own at least one dog , we’re an agency of dog lovers and our evolution into Cookie Communications is a fresh and fun way to show we’ve got our paw firmly on the pulse. We are the go-to comms agency for all things canine.
“Across the last three years Cookie has truly transformed our office. Upon arrival she gamely took on the mantle of Head of Wellness, encouraging us all to break up our day, come rain or shine, with visits to the park. Not to mention weekly demonstrations of the benefits of yoga and breathwork on mind, body and spirit, her preferred poses being downward dog and puppy pose.
“More recently she’s been promoted to Head of Barketing; a role that sees her lead team brainstorms and debates, always making sure we stay on brief and don’t bark up the wrong tree.
“The impact she has had on the office, the team, clients and new business prospects has been unrivalled. So, after 25 successful years as Rooster, we think it’s only fair to honour Cookie’s substantial contribution to the agency by putting her front and centre both in terms of our branding and the clients we take on.
“We are proud to be the UK’s only dog first agency. Woof.”
For more information and endless Cookie pics, please contact:
James Brooke, Managing Director
Cookie Communications
T: +44 (0)203 440 8930
E: [email protected]